Meet The Cast! – Robin Stikfort

Meet The Cast

Robobo1221 / Robin (Main acting role)

– What’s your favorite band/artist? –

Alan Walker. Good shit

– What’s your favorite movie? –

My favorite movie is Twister.

– Favorite album of all time? –

Sugar by Tobu.

– Favorite song right now? –

Fantasy by Tobu and faded by Alan Walker

– What do you want to be when you’re older? –

I want to be an employee at a IT buisiness. I am not sure yet.

– Favorite YouTuber? –

Maxmoefoe, HTB and Filthy Frank

– Favorite Game? –

Minecraft and The Elder Scrolls Skyrim

Meet The Cast! – Gene

Meet the Cast

mckuletzz/Gene (Editor/Re-recording sound mixer)

– What’s your favorite band/artist? –

I’d say Guns n’ Roses. In second place… Eurythmics.

– What’s your favorite movie? –

My favorite movie has to be tied between Zootopia and Star Wars Episode 7. I try to avoid extremely scientific movies, but I like some realism. Star Wars may be an exception… because it’s VERY FUN to watch.

– Favorite album of all time? –

Appetite for Destruction by Guns n’ Roses.

– Favorite song right now? –

Paradise City by Guns n’ Roses.

– What do you want to be when you’re older? –

I want to be a movie director/screenwriter. I’d also like to be a sound mixer as well.

– Favorite YouTuber? –

My favorite YouTuber (that I don’t know well) is Markiplier.

– Favorite Game? –

My favorite game (as of now) might be It’s an internet game but it’s extremely fun.

Meet The Cast! – Sam Walton

Meet The Cast

San Walton (Main Acting Role)

– What’s your favorite band/artist? –

My favorite band is probably MUSE cause like who doesn’t enjoy them. They are just amazing, also I really like pop songs and I like alot of pop artists but MUSE is just better.

– What’s your favorite movie? –

My favorite movie is probably Twister or Night Of The Twisters but into the storms really good too but Twister and NOTT is better in my opinion.

– Favorite album of all time? –

OK Computer! Duh

– Favorite song right now? –

Probably Assassin, Plug in Baby, Psycho or The Handler by MUSE cause I love muse and possibly Faded by Alan Walker.

– What do you want to be when you’re older? –

I would love to be a youtuber but I don’t  think that will be happening cause you need to be uploading regularly, good thumbnails, good at commentating and pretty lucky and I’m not good at any of them but thats what I want to be.

– Favorite YouTuber? –

SIRWALTON3 OR JACOB SARTORIUS!(I’m joking) but seriously I would say VanossGaming or Pecos Hank ( and I’m not joking about Pecos Hank I really do love his videos they really entertaining)

– Favorite Game? –

I feel like people will kill me for saying this but my favorite game is I just think its really entertaining and I actually made an channel and the channels actually doing better than my minecraft channel xD Also,
I like minecraft but sometimes minecraft gets boring but I go on minecraft mods alot.

Fix your grammar

– Rob

Meet The Cast! – Jackson Hersom

Meet The Cast

Jackson Hersom (Main Acting Role)

– What’s your favorite band/artist? –
Has to be David Bowie. His music syle is all over the place, which is amazing. I also like Muse, Radiohead, and Toby Fox’s Music.

– What’s your favorite movie? –
Probably either Whiplash or Interstellar! Both very different, but also very awesome!

– Favorite album of all time? –
Probably Resistance by Muse. All about a war that can’t be one, where their old heroes are turning to dust.

– Favorite song right now? –
Probably either Moonage DayDream by David Bowie or United States of Eurasia by Muse.

– What do you want to be when you’re older? –
Probably a Cosmologist like Steven Hawkings or good old Albert.

– Favorite YouTuber? –
26jupitarium, duh. To be ligit, Vsauce or Pecos Hank.

– Favorite Game? –
Most people will hate me or it, but i love undertale. The Soundtrack and storyline is great, but the fandom is cringey as hell. They also post lots of porn on it….. (eh, might wanna re-think this)

Meet The Cast! – Rob Marshall

Meet The Cast

Rob Marshall (Director)

Hey it’s me again (tired of me yet?) No need to worry , we’ll be doing a “Meet The Cast” for every single person taking part in the movie. Here you can find a little bit about us!

– Hey Rob , what’s your favorite band/artist –

That has to go too Radiohead. Probably one of the most creative bands out there right now!

– Favorite movie of all time? –

Agh! That’s a tough one. However it would probably go too “Towering Inferno”. Not a well known movie , but a great one.

– Favorite album of all time? –

OK Computer by Radiohead! Probably the greatest album ever created? (right?)

– Favorite song right now? –

Probably “The Handler” by MUSE. Excellent track by an excellent band (even if The 2nd law was shit)

– What do you want to be when you’re older? –

Haven’t really thought about that too much yet. Probably something to do with space. (Maybe NASA?) Not an astronaut though (too much risks/training for me!). But who knows!

– Favorite YouTuber? –


All the way!

Alright , that’s all the questions answered.

Q&A with the director


This is Rob here the director of Tornado Files and the owner of the channel “robby5267”. Today I will be answering some frequently asked questions surrounding the movie.

– How long will it be? –

The movie is looking out to be around 30-40 minutes long. With b-roll and credits added on it could be up too 50 mins. No more than 1hr though.

– When will recording start/has it already? –

Recording has just begun! The first few (easy to film) scenes are already done and we will be moving on too the action scenes very shortly!

– Who is editing the film? –

My good friend mckulletz will be editing the entire movie. From sound to special FX. He is doing an excellent job!

– Is it based off Into the Storm/Twister? –

Well actually neither! It’s based off a book/movie called “Night of The Twisters” written by Ivy Ruckman. It’s a great read and it’s all about the large tornado outbreak that happened in Nebraska a wild back. It’s a childhood memory of mine so I decided to dedicate a movie too it!

– When will the movie be done? –

It’s looking to be done late summer 2016 , however it could be delayed to fall. But it’s for sure coming this year! (unless I die)

– Will it be better than Tornado Stories? –
